Application Procedures
Download application form for foreign students and complete it, then send the application form and other required documents by post, fax or E-mail direct to the Admissions Office before the application deadline.
Pay Application fee of LZJU, then the university will deal with your application in a few days, please note that the application fee is unrefoundable
It takes few days for the university to verify your application documents. Usually, qualification verification for the language program applicants usually is faster than the degree program ones
The university would send out admission letter and JW202 in several days after the documents verification. So, be sure about the postal address filled in the application form is correct, and confirmthe address with university teacher.
Admitted students are required to be registered at university on schedule with the original copy of the admission documents
Note: Students should enroll in the university within the registration period (specified in the Admission Letter). Otherwise, one will be deprived of the student status. Exception can be made to those who has informed the school oftheir specific reasons and whose delay has been permitted.
More highlights & notices
- Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Performances in Nursing Homes
- Our school held a "college students' innovative experiment plan" project in 2015 concluding defense conference
- Vice-president Li Yinzhen Held Talks with Teachers and Students from Ukraine
- The Twentieth “Young Teachers Teaching Competition” has successfully held in LZJTU
- Film: Foreign Students Living in China